Mariatta, Ned, Joanna, Guido
- What will be our Doc Summit participation?
- Who will be attending? Carol, Ned
- Lightning talk: submit:
- TODO: Carol will put together some bullets
- Prepare an “elevator pitch” kind of thing for Editorial Board: it could just point to our repo too?
- Advice: If you’re going to run a meeting, run the meeting (including cutting and moderating, stopping people from going on and on)
- Bring up in next community call:
- Are there clear possibilities that you can share with the editorial board, so we can make a decision.
- Carol or Ned to come up with the options.
- Warning Sphinx?
- Multiple types: TODO: Ned will post on the thread to try to come to closure. What are the current options?
- WarningMessage is undocumented:
- No meeting in May because of PyCon US. We’ll discuss async until June.